marginal cost of production

英 [ˈmɑːdʒɪnl kɒst ɒv prəˈdʌkʃn] 美 [ˈmɑːrdʒɪnl kɔːst əv prəˈdʌkʃn]




  1. The nickel price, down by a fifth this year to$ 14,000 a tonne or so, is now below its marginal cost of production.
  2. That looks very like the theoretical world of freely competitive capitalism, in which prices tend to fall to the marginal cost of production.
  3. The trade is based on the concept of the marginal cost of production – or the price at which the highest-cost producers of the metal start to lose money.
  4. But many other oil-producing countries required relatively high prices to sustain their economies and spending, and those numbers are probably higher than the marginal cost of shale production in the US.
  5. At the peak of efficiency, the marginal cost of production equals the average cost of production.
  6. Subsidies also create excess burdens because they encourage people to consume goods valued less than the marginal social cost of production.
  7. Marginal cost means the increment of total cost of production incurred by increasing production one unit of output.
  8. This would have a severe impact on companies reliant on nickel and zinc, such as Xstrata, as these metals already trade close to the marginal cost of production, he said.
  9. Now our country has quite a lot of oil fields are marginal, in order to get profit no other ways but reduce the construction investment and control the cost of production, the minimum offshore platform make exploiting the marginal oil fields become practice.
  10. Using methods of cost-benefit comparision, marginal analysis, sinking cost analysis and opportunity cost, and combining the long-term average trend of mineral product price and production cost, a cut-off grade economical analysis model for the mine low-grade ore utilization is established.
  11. Research on Resources Marginal Opportunity Cost of Cleaning Production
  12. Marginal Cost and the Economic Boundary Value of Oil and Gas Production
  13. According to the analysis to the influential factors during oilfield stimulation and based on the theory of iso marginal cost and present value approach this paper establishes reasonable distribution models of stimulation treatments in different blocks, and provides reasonable distribution methods to the improved production in different blocks.
  14. In order to prevent monopolies developing a price higher than the marginal cost, which may result in low efficiency of the production and loss of social welfare, government regulation is in line with the principles of economic efficiency.
  15. For example, simulation has been used to evaluate the likelihood that potential merger-specific efficiencies ( associated with reductions in the marginal cost of production) are sufficiently great to offset predicted price increases.